
Monday, April 27, 2015

Being a Full Time Wife

Focusing my life around my husband and home made made all the difference.

I can not tell you the number of nights I have come home from work and cried because my house was falling apart.
The dishes pilled in the sink. My husband not having clean pants to wear to work, or able to find socks in the pile of laundry filling our closet. Eating take out again. And wearing a ponytail and no makeup most days so you look more like an over exhausted mid 30's woman than the trendy 21 year old you want to be.

But trying to balance your new responsibilities with your home life now that your married, and working full time is harder than it seems like it should be.

And a lot of nights I feel terrible that Im not the Wife I think I should be.

I thought about it allot one night and I realized that I was a full time manager, and a part time wife- my priorities were more focused on my job than my personal life and marriage.
I should not be worried about work once I get home, but thinking about home while Im at work.

I had to become a Full Time Wife and put everything else second to my husband and our home.
Which is way easier said then done.
I had to change my work schedule to give me a little time during the week that was just mine for the house while my husband was at work. From experience I find it way easier to get stuff done alone. He tries to be helpful but when Im in clean mode I do better when its just myself I need to direct.
I had to learn to manage my time better. I got a little planner and literally planned out my days from when I would get up to what ingredients I needed for dinner each night.
I made sure He was taken care of first. If I did his laundry first I was less likely to forget my own later. And if I made his lunch before I went to bed I would do mine in the morning. I focused on him most, because he is the main part of my marriage.

While I would like to say everything is perfect now its still crazy sometimes. But As long as Im trying and its improving its gonna be ok. I can only do so much. But focusing my life around my husband and home instead of work made all the difference.

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