Theres a big difference in being a girlfriend and becoming a fiancé.
There's an even bigger difference once you become a wife.
And Im sure a huge difference once you're promoted to mother.
Not just in your responsibilities, but your relationship also. As well as the changes you yourself develop along the way.
You probably grew up knowing the basics of what to expect when you got married. Typically you were told something like "A good wife keeps a clean house, cooks meals, does laundry, loves kids, and takes care of her husband."
Im not sure where that puts woman like myself who can't cook even top ramen well. Think kids in general are a loud messy hassle. And work full time so their house goes to pieces.
There was a lot that I wasn't expecting when I did get married, and a lot of surprises. Things none tells you, and things you have to figure out.
Its not all glass slippers and happy ever after.
So welcome to my blog, where I tell you everything you never knew you didn't know. And how I try to keep my life together and make your's easier.
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