Its a well known stereotype that wife's are nagging and controlling. You hear it all the time. Guys complaining about their 'Ball and Chain', being 'whipped' or having to 'ask the woman'.
Even woman know that they are the 'bosses' of their home. He may be the head of the household, but you're the rest of it.
I think we often fall into the habit of thinking we are smarter, or have a better way for things. And often, we do. Woman usually have a routine or step by step guide for every task. We know how to get things done smoothly and efficiently, so we can move onto the next task.
We know what works best.
Men, have a different way of doing things. And if you think you will ever get him to remember your way or do things 'right' you are very, sadly, wrong.
I do this to my husband probably 200 times every day. I either say "don't do that" or try to micro manage what he is doing.
Heres an example of what I mean:
He picked me up from work and we headed to the store. The radio was too loud so I reached over and turned it down. He turned it back up. "Don't! It can't be above 15 because its too loud and it gives me a headache." I have told him this a thousand times. So I turn it down.
The light turns red and he does't slow down fast enough so he comes to an abrupt stop behind the car. He does this all the time and I have told him over and over to not stop like that. So I get pissed off.
We get to the store and I run him through the list before he goes in. I wait in the car, and he calls me 5 minutes later asking what it was I needed again. Does he even listen? I go over it again. 4 items, just 4. He comes out of the store and he got the wrong kind of one of the things. So I get more frustrated.
I drive on the way home because I can't take his abrupt stopping one more time. We get home, and he puts the bags down just a little too hard and almost breaks a jar from it. "Don't!" I say again.
Im frustrated and he can tell, but he doesn't understand why. Why am I so mad?
Because he listens to his music too loud? He drives in a way I think is unsafe? He can't remember 4 things for 2 seconds? He doesn't remember after getting the same kind for 2 years what kind I want? He dropped the bags down? But why... He left it down after I asked. We didn't crash. He went in the store so I wouldn't have too. He got everything we needed. And he carried in all the bags. Why was I so mad that it wasn't done 'The Right Way' when it got done anyways? Why do I try so hard to make him do everything like me?
For 3 weeks I have been upset, frustrated and annoyed at this poor man. Don't get me wrong I love him to death. But I kept trying to tell him what and how to do everything. The more I talked the less he changed because it was one thing after another. I would stop listening to me too.
I had become the nagging wife, the ball and chain.
So the next day I told myself, no matter what I will "Leave Him Alone."
Whatever he did I would ignore it. I would not tell him to or not to do anything.
...It was the HARDEST day ever. The more I tried to let things go and let him be the more I noticed I had been trying to control. And it was a very. long. day. I learned I am a control freak. Everything I do has a rhyme and reason. Im very habitual. And letting him be his own person and not trying to make him like me is the hardest struggle I have in our marriage. But this is a motto I have been working on. "Leave Him Alone."
He isn't wrong just because his idea is different than mine. He is trying to do things right, and I need to give him credit for the effort for it, not just criticize his short comings. And at the end of the day the little bit of time wasted or difference in routine doesn't really matter.
Just leave him alone. It will all be ok.
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