
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

31 Things everyone Woman needs to understand about Men

  1.  You can't change him. Every girl thinks that she's magically able to change him for the better, but in reality this is false. And if you want to change him instead of loving him for the person he is, your relationship is not going to work. So either accept him for who he is, or find the guy you want him to be in someone else. 
  2. Never Criticize his Mother. If he has something negative to say and you agree with him thats ok. But don't ever bring it up first. Personally I believe that in laws are taboo subjects and you should never speak negatively of any of his family, as you wouldn't want him to do to yours.
  3. You have to Let things Go. Don't bring up stuff from the past. And once you resolve an argument, let to be and forget about it. You can't move on or make progress if your always bringing up the past.
  4. You can't bombard him the second he walks in the door. Guys need at least 15 minutes, usually around an hour, to relax and get the stress of work off their minds. Don't bug him with a million questions or things to do until you give him some 'Him Time'. Just kiss him when he comes home. Be an open ear he can vent to. And wait until he is ready before you start flooding him with all the stories, questions, and chores for the day.
  5.  He will never like your guy friends. Its ok to keep in touch with friends of your past (as long as you never dated any of them) but once you two are together your other friends should not be a big part of your life. And if you are messaging them, or visit ever, always include your guy. Treat your guy friends how you would want I'm to treat his Female friends of his past.
  6.  He wants you to seduce him. Don't make him instigate every time. Be sexy and seductive every now and then. And don't be afraid to get a little crazy, try new things, and spice things up.
  7.  He notices when you wear jewelry he buys you. Which means he also knows how often you don't wear it. And when he spends a pretty penny on something special like that, so your appreciation. The more expensive it was the more you should wear it. How would you like it if you bought him something and he never used it?
  8. He needs you to need him. Make him feel like you honestly could not survive without him. Tell him how important he is. Make him feel loved and appreciated. And ask him to do things for you once in awhile, like opening hard jars or killing bugs. lol Idk why but it boosts their man ego.
  9. You still need to try hard to be sexy. Just because he tells you your beautiful and don't need makeup, and your not fat… Does NOT mean you can lounge around in yoga pants every day and eat what you want. Men are visual. And even though he may love you no matter what- he will miss the sexy girl he first fell in love with. And he may not find you as attractive over time if you never try get all dressed up for him.
  10. Ultimatums will not work. Don't ever try to make him do something. Speak openly and honestly about what you want or need. And be considerate. Thats really the only way to get what you need from him and keep a good relationship.
  11. He wants Kids. All growing up I thought it was the woman who wanted babies. But as I got older I realized a lot of woman are totally ok with not shoving a watermelon out of them. lol But theres something about men and babies, its in their DNA. Make sure you have kids when you are both ready. But understand that kids are his legacy and he's going to want that when he gets older.
  12. He knows when your lying to him. Even if he doesn't know what your being dishonest about, he can tell when your not being totally honest with him
  13. He wants you to enjoy his hobbies with him. If he likes guns, your gonna have to learn to shoot. War movies? He wants you to cuddle and watch them and not whine and criticize them. Sports? You better learn to rules. Its a good way to bond and spend time together. And he will think your so much hotter for getting involved.
  14. You should always take his side. Within reason. But always have his back, and take his side in public. You would want his support and backup, and he wants yours.
  15. He wants you to bring new things to his life. Don't push things on him. But tell him or show him things you like and experiences you want. Help him grow as a person, and expand his horizons.
  16. You have to tell him exactly what you want. Don't be vague, don't hint at things, don't make him guess. Because he probably won't catch on. Just be open and straight forward.
  17. He wants you by his side. Don't go places and split up. Don't wait in the car. Don't leave his side or make him do things alone if you can help it. If upper his other half he wants you to make him whole.
  18. He needs you to help him achieve his dreams and goals. You need to support and inspire him to be a better person, to reach his goals, to achieve his dreams. "Behind every great man is a great woman" and that great woman helped him get there. Never tell him how hard it will be, or why things he wishes for won't work. If you don't have faith in him, he won't in himself.
  19. Don't be afraid to tell him about what you want in bed, or talk about your weird fantasys. Its nothing compared to what he's thinking. And be willing to try new things he wants. Its better to give then to receive and being open to trying weird crazy things opens new doors in your sex life, you won't regret.
  20. He needs to lean on you sometimes. Let him talk to you about things, but don't try to make him talk about his feelings. Sometimes he just needs to know you are there for him no matter what, and you don't think he's weak for it. You will love and support him even in times of weakness and grief.
  21. Don't ever make him feel like less of a man. Don't make him feel weak, or sensitive, or like you don't need his help. He has to feel like he's doing his job as the Man of the house. Let him wear the pants, even if your the one telling him which ones to wear.
  22. He doesn't want to hear about your past relationships. He doesn't want to hear stories about your guy friends, or weirdos you dated, or guys that you liked. You should be open and honest about what you've done in your past if he asks. But you should not bring up other men. Ever.
  23. He wants to know he's the best lover you've ever had. Tell him how great he is. How sweet. How good he takes care of you. And that he is the most amazing at Sex.
  24. Let him be a gentleman. Let him open doors for you and carry your things. Its how he was taught to show love and respect to you. Don't take that away from him or let him feel unappreciated for it.
  25. You should let him win sometimes. Don't always be better at him, especially at things he loves. Help his ego and let him win sometimes too. 
  26. He always wants a BJ. And its better if you don't even ask him, just go for it. He will go crazy.  He's never going to say no.
  27. He needs quite time once in awhile. Don't be offended if he wants some alone time, or to go out by himself to shoot a few rounds or play some golf. Everyone needs a little time for themselves once in awhile. And make sure that your not talking his ear off 24/7 because he can only handle so much before he stops listening.
  28. You should compliment him more. Guys like to hear things like, you look super sexy today, or you are so amazing, I love your ______, ect… You love it when he tells you how beautiful you are and such, so make sure you compliment him too.
  29. You don't always have to be right. And don't be afraid to tell him when he is right. And even if he's not right, at least validate that even though you think otherwise, you see his opinion and understand his reasoning. Agree to disagree, but don't make it about who's right or wrong. 
  30. He's not as complicated as you are. He doesn't think about 1 things a thousand ways. He doesn't have ulterior motives for everything. And his feelings aren't as confusing and complex as yours are. Don't try to 'Read into' everything about him.
  31. Never ever lie about Orgasms. Its his biggest fear. don't be afraid to tell him when you just didn't get there. But let him know it was good and you loved it. He needs to know he's good in bed. 

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