Its always important to give your spouse and your marriage the attention it deserves. But there are a few occasions in which your spouse needs your 100% focus. And making him your focus should be a priority in these circumstances.
- First thing in the Morning. I know for allot of you (myself included) our spouse often leaves way earlier than we do. Its still important to wake up, at least half way, and give them a good bye kiss and tell them you love them before they leave. Look at them- Yes open your eyes for a second don't just sleep mumble "Love you bye." And maybe throw in a compliment or some motivating words. Try and start each other off on a good foot for the rest of the day.
- When you get Home. As soon as I see my husband pull up I drop what Im doing and meet him with a kiss at the door. I hug him and tell him how much I've missed him while he was at work. And now and then I remind him of how grateful I am that he goes to work everyday to provide a good life for us.
- On His Birthday. I make a big deal out of birthdays. He's one of those people who says its just a normal day closer to death. But I always tell him to be grateful you get to be this age. Some people didn't get that lucky. And I make a big deal out of it. The cake, gifts, sex, the whole 9 yards. And I celebrate him, and everything Im grateful he is.
- When He is in 'On Stage'. Whenever he is the center of attention- or should be. This is anything from his work presentations, to when his family is visiting. Its time to sit back, and let him be the center of attention. And also make him the center of my focus. No phones, or distractions. Just me giving him my full and undivided attention and support.
- When He's Sick. When he's ill you have to "Baby your baby". Wait in him hand and foot and even take some time just to cuddle and make him feel better. If he wants to be alone, then make sure nothing is going to interrupt his alone time.
- When he is disappointed or upset. Know when to just be quite and give a listening ear. Usually he doesn't want you to try and "fix" things, he just wants to get it off his chest. And just letting him rant or vent to you can help him cope with things. Give an understanding and supportive ear to him. And just let him get it out.
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